7 Simple Chores For Kids With Pets During The School Year

The academic school year may look different for everyone, but there are many ways your child can get involved with the care of your pet despite the new schedule! Here are seven simple chores for kids with dogs. Whether it’s helping with walks, feeding time, or training, children will learn responsibility and routine.

Kids Chores Involving The Family Dog

1. Walking the Dog

Even if your child is in school, there’s always time for a walk before or after classes! A 30-minute walk first thing in the morning will put a smile on your dog’s face and introduce a healthy habit. This is the perfect way to get some morning or evening exercise in while spending time with their best fur friend. Going on daily walks can also tire your pup out before a long day of school work where the family can’t be as attentive.

Walking is also a great way to exercise your pup’s mind as all as their body. Not only can it help burn some calories, but help can stimulate your dog’s brain as well. It’s important to note if you have a younger child, we advise that you tag along on the walk to supervise!

2. Let Your Kids Help With Training

Now is a great time to involve your child in the dog training process! If you’re in the process of training your new puppy, it can be extremely beneficial to have your child involved. When you have multiple family members in the household, you want to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to training. It’s also important to teach your kids to reward and praise good behavior when your dog listens and follows through with commands.

Professional dog trainer Kathy Santo provides some training insight on how to teach your child the value of rewarding your dog! Kathy provides an example of when her son believed the dog only wanted to hang out with him if he had a treat in his hand. Kathy encouraged that in order to make the puppy want you as much as the treat, you have to teach the dog something in order to receive the reward. This makes your child the gatekeeper of everything the puppy wants!

kid walking a dog outdoors on the street

3. Administering Food and Supplements

Administering your pet’s CBD daily can be as easy as 1,2,3 with our Liposome Hemp Oils. Our Liposome Hemp Oils can be administered to your pet during mealtime without losing any effectiveness. This is the most convenient method for not only your pup, but for your child as well. When your child is preparing their own morning cereal, they can fill up your dog’s breakfast bowl and drop the daily recommended usage amount of CBD in their pet’s bowl. It’s important to communicate with your child how much CBD to administer to your pet as well as some supervision to make sure it’s done correctly. This task can make your child feel important and more connected to your family pup. Plus, the CBD will help your pup stay relaxed all day while the kids at school. See below for recommended products.

4. Keeping the Dog Busy

We know that pets can often get distracting, especially when you’re trying to get some work done or complete an e-learning lesson. If going on morning walks doesn’t tire your pup enough throughout the day, don’t worry, there is more than one way to keep your pup busy. We have some fun dog-friendly recipes that can keep your dog occupied when your child is working on their schoolwork. Plus, it’ll be a fun project for you and your child to make together after school or on the weekends.

These recipes can also be an exciting way to get your child’s creative juices flowing as they help put together the ingredients. One of favorite recipes ties in The Bear & the Rat’s Frozen Yogurt Dog Treats (available at Whole Foods) and our Pet Releaf Edibites! Give our PB Power Cup Recipe a try by utilizing Banana & Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt as the base with cut up Peanut Butter & Banana Edibites as the sprinkles on top. Our CBD-infused Hemp Oil Edibites are also great for promoting calmness, so it just may help your pup stay busy and relaxed while your child is hard at work.

We also have 4 Kong recipes featuring Pet Releaf Liposome Hemp Oils. Now you can stuff your pup’s favorite Kong toy with some tasty recipes such as our Watermelon & Cucumber Refresh or Goat Milk and Yogurt Parfait! Plus, they can get their daily recommended CBD usage per recipe to also help them stay calm and relaxed during the day. Before pursuing feeding your dog a new food or supplement, it’s advised to consult with your veterinarian.

5. Give Them a Sports Practice Buddy

If your child is involved in sports or they love to play outside, have them practice in the backyard with your dog! Exercising with your pet can be a great way to stay motivated as well as boost your mood. When you exercise your pup’s mind and body, it can also help them not be as destructive as they could if they’re bored in the house all day. If your child isn’t involved in sports, but they’re looking for ways to exercise with your pup, try out these 4 exercises you can do with your pet!

6. Groom Your Pup Together

It’s bath time! Grooming doesn’t have to be stressful, especially when you have two people helping. Try tag-teaming bath time for your dog with your child on a weeknight or weekend after a long walk or hike. This way your pup can feel refreshed after getting dirty at the dog park! If your pup has situational stress when it comes to bath time, try administering CBD at least an hour before the grooming session to make for a more peaceful bath. If you and your child are new to grooming your dog, we recommend trying out some eco-friendly dog grooming products that are all-natural and cruelty-free!

7. Delegate Cuddle Time

It’s time for the most important responsibility of all—cuddle time! If your dog’s love language is physical touch, this is a great way to give your pup all of the attention. When these times are so uncertain and your child may be leaving the home more to go to class, this is a wonderful way to help them feel close to you. A morning cuddle session with your dog or lots of pats and belly rubs throughout the day can surely make all the difference in you and your child’s mood!

Thinking about incorporating CBD in this new school year, but not sure which CBD potency is the perfect match for your pup? We offer free customized product recommendations based on your pet’s weight and health needs with our product finder! If you still have questions about how to administer CBD, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Facebook, or send us over an email to info@petreleaf.com.

Looking to learn more about caring for your pet?