Everything You Need to Know About the Health Benefits of Hemp

Hemp has many benefits for humans and animals alike!

The Cannabinoids in the hemp plant, including CBD (Cannabidiol), provide significant health benefits for all mammals (humans, dogs, cats, horses, etc).

Let’s start with the basics.

The hemp plant is a cousin to the cannabis plant. Similar to how orange and lemon trees both belong to the citrus plant family.

“The hemp plant is harvested for its fibers, seed, seed meal, and seed oil. Hemp is a distinct variety of the plant species cannabis sativa L. Due to the similar leaf shape, hemp is frequently confused with marijuana. Although both plants are from the species cannabis, hemp contains virtually no THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana.”

So basically, the hemp plant looks very similar to the marijuana plant but contains a much lower amount of THC. Even if someone tried to smoke hemp- it would do nothing.

Why is CBD so important?

Consumption of CBD is critical for the body to function at optimum health levels. This is because our body has a system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) – this system is involved in all of the major bodily functions. In the past it has always been thought that the ECS only allowed communication between receptors on a 1 way basis. We now know that when CBD is consumed daily it activates communication between receptors that we have in our brain and body. This allows for the Endocannabinoid System to work together on a 2 way communication basis, and perform in ways we never believed were possible!

Not only does CBD open up communication for our Endocannabinoid System but the plant itself has many nutritional benefits.

Hemp has a full range of 20 amino acids, including the 9 essentials that our bodies need. It also contains significant amounts of essential fatty acids- Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s- in a 1:4 ratio which is touted by major health organizations as the “magic ratio” for absorption by mammals.

Many believe that hemp is essential for anyone to achieve optimum health.

What makes Pet Releaf CBD different?

Every part of the hemp plant is usable and each part of the plant has a different benefit. Here at Pet Releaf we use organic CBD oil from the whole hemp plant. This means that our CBD comes with a wide variety of benefits. Below, dive into the unique hemp oil benefits that Pet Releaf products offer.

Organic– Our hemp is grown at the largest certified USDA organic hemp farm in the United States. We can tell you about the cows whose manure we use to grow them and even where the water comes from that is used to water them.

PR-33- Our proprietary hemp strain grown specifically for pets. We’ve planted well over 50 acres of our specialized strain with the cannabinoid profile most beneficial to dogs and cats.

Stalks & Seeds- We extract our hemp oil from the seeds AND stalks. CBD oil comes directly from the stalks, NOT the seeds. Although hemp seeds do not contain any CBD they do have very important, high levels of easily digestible protein.

CO2 Extracted– This means we use NO chemical solvents to extract our CBD oil. Because this process is done at a very low temperature using advanced machinery it does not harm the precious enzymes, cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids.

Never from China– We never use any hemp from China because it is often grown in contaminated soil and not intended for actual consumption.

Basically, the hemp plant rocks.

Here at Pet Releaf we believe in the power of CBD. We believe that less is more and that you can achieve optimum health by consuming products that come from the natural world.

CBD should be consumed by you, your pets, your friends, the elderly, and even the young.

If you have any questions about hemp, our CBD oil, or our products, ask us here. Tell us about the many hemp oil benefits you’ve found for your loved ones!