What is Regenerative Hemp Farming?

Now more than ever, shoppers are considering sustainability and the planet when deciding on which brands and products to support.

At Pet Releaf, we take our sustainability practices a step further by utilizing regenerative farming, a technique that helps reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and recovering depleted soil biodiversity through farming and grazing techniques. By purchasing Pet Releaf for your family, you can feel good about supporting both your pets and the planet.

Pet Releaf Regenerative Farming At a Glance:

  • We align with regenerative, organic farms that practice reduce, reuse, and recycle principles for a gentler approach to sustainable farming.
  • With regenerative agriculture, farmers are not only sustaining the current land resource, but they are improving what is there, leaving it better for future generations.
  • With a focus on topsoil regeneration, we are increasing biodiversity, improving water cycle, and increasing resilience to climate change. In fact, since switching to organic hemp farming from corn silage, our farmers now use 86% less water.

What is Regenerative Hemp Farming?

With regenerative agriculture, farmers are not only preserving the available land resources but also enhancing them to make them better for coming generations. Regenerative farming begins with conservation and rehabilitation, which emphasizes the renewal of topsoil. This includes enhancing the water cycle, boosting biodiversity, and boosting resistance to climate change. As a result, the farm soil may become more robust and healthy.

In high-water-risk locations, we encourage water security, sanitation, and improved operational water use efficiency in our agricultural supply chain. When our regenerative farmers switched from growing organic corn silage as the principal crop in the field to growing organic hemp, they now use 86% less water.

Our vertical partnership has made it possible for our extraction partner to construct a cutting-edge extraction facility right there on the farms. By avoiding the need to move the hemp biomass to another place, this reduces greenhouse gas emissions significantly.

What is Regenerative Hemp Farming?

Pet Releaf Sustainability At a Glance:

  • regenerative farming
  • utilizing 100% wind power and recyclable energy
  • consistent research and development
  • plant-based ingredient sourcing
  • terpex technology
  • environment-friendly packaging

Along with regenerative farming, we utilize 100% renewable electricity and 100% certified wind power, right here in Colorado.

To continue enhancing our sustainability standards we have reinvented our packaging to be 100% recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable.

Through research and development, we make choices to sustainably improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of our products.

One of our main policies is that all manufacturing partners must currently be or are in the process of becoming Certified Organic.

Many of our ingredients are certified organic as well. We make the effort to source sustainable, plant-based ingredients where and whenever available. Additionally, most of our supply chains are in Colorado to help reduce greenhouse gases that result from heavy diesel trains and tractor-trailers.

pet releaf sustainability one-pager

Giving Back to the Planet

Here at Pet Releaf, our mission is to change what healthy means for pets, so we only want to deliver the highest quality, all-natural products to benefit your pet’s overall wellness. We’ve been prioritizing sustainability for over a decade, and as the original pet CBD company, we’ve set high, groundbreaking standards for giving back to the planet.