Pet Travel Checklist For Trips & Vacations

Many families travel with their pet throughout the year, whether a day trip to the lake or a much-needed vacation across the country. If you’re a pet owner, you’ll want to make sure that your dog or cat is well taken care of during your travels. In this blog, we’ll provide you with an all-inclusive travel checklist if you plan on taking your pet on an adventure:

1. Pack Plenty of Food and Water

One of the most important items on your travel checklist should be to pack plenty of food and water for your pet. You don’t want to be caught without enough food or water for your furry friend, especially if you’re traveling to an unfamiliar location. It’s also a good idea to bring along a portable water bowl, so your pet can easily drink water on the go.

2. Make Sure Your Pet is Comfortable During Travel

Traveling can be stressful for pets, especially if they’re not used to being in a car or airplane. Make sure that your pet is comfortable during travel by bringing along their favorite blanket or bed. You can also consider using a pet carrier or crate to help your pet feel secure during the journey.

Consider using pet CBD before your travels to help your dog or cat relax and avoid car sickness. Pet Releaf has a variety of CBD oils and convenient CBD Edibites to bring on your trip.

3. Keep Your Pet Safe During Outdoor Activities

If you plan on participating in outdoor activities during your travels, such as hiking or swimming, make sure to keep your pet safe. Bring along a leash or harness to keep your pet under control and prevent them from running off. If your pet is swimming, bring a pet lifejacket. You should also bring along plenty of water to keep your pet hydrated during outdoor activities.

Pet Releaf offers a variety of CBD products to support the joint health and mobility of active dogs. These products can help keep your pet comfortable during outdoor activities and reduce discomfort.

4. Pack a First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen, so it’s important to pack a first aid kit for your pet. Make sure to include items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers. You should also include any medications or supplements that your pet may need during your travels.

Traveling Without Your Pet?

Going on vacation without your pet can be a difficult decision, but sometimes it’s necessary for your own relaxation and enjoyment. If you’ve decided to leave your pet at home while you travel, here are some tips on how to prepare for their care:

1. Find a Trusted Pet Sitter

The first step in preparing for your pet’s care while you’re away is to find a trusted pet sitter. This could be a friend, family member, or professional pet sitter. Make sure you provide them with all necessary information, including your pet’s feeding schedule, any medical needs, and emergency contact information.

2. Consider Pet Boarding

If you don’t have anyone who can care for your pet while you’re away, consider pet boarding as an option. Make sure to research and choose a reputable boarding facility, and provide all necessary information about your pet’s care.

3. Pack for Your Pet’s Stay

If your pet is staying with a friend or family member or at a boarding facility, make sure to pack everything they’ll need for their stay. This could include food, treats, toys, and any medication they require. You may also want to pack a familiar blanket or toy to help them feel more comfortable.

4. Use Pet CBD

Pet CBD can be a great way to help pets feel calm while their owners are away on vacation. Since many pets deal with separation stress, using a calming CBD product may help the pet’s sitter or boarder make them feel more relaxed.