Dog Horoscopes: What to Expect in February 2024

Did you know that dogs can have horoscopes just like people? Here is what the stars say about what is upcoming for your favorite furry family members in February. Woof Woof!
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(March 21 – April 19)
You can feel the landscape of your life is shifting and the humans around you can be acting differently. They might be reorganizing life, your routines, or your diet. Take it all in stride. You’ve been working on your coping skills, so have an entire toolbox to keep you company in times of transition! And don’t forget, you always have restful snacks to fall back on.
Breed Matches
- Chihuahua
- Pomeranian
- Irish Setter
(April 20 – May 20)
It’s a tail-wagging month of excitement, with extra special attention on you. Your puppy star is rising and people are taking notice of you! Let yourself stand out from the crowd. You will garner praise for the tricks you’ve been working on and will be rewarded in one of the ways dogs love best—with snacks!
Breed Matches
- Greyhounds
- Border collie
- Boxer
(May 21 – June 20)
The stars say that you’ll be all over the map this month. Energized and maybe even a bit restless, your dog soul is longing for something. Your dreams will be especially vivid, so pay attention to the symbols that come through for you. There are mystical messages just waiting to be uncovered to give you the next clue for your grand life adventure.
Breed Matches
- Poodles
- Vizsla
- Siberian Husky
(June 21 – July 22)
You’re pawsitive that things feel different this month. Your strong intuition is telling you that something is up…And you’re right! The stars say, your humans are up to something. Maybe they have a special surprise for you? What have you been wishing for? This month is about dreams coming true and desires coming to fruition for your sign!
Breed Matches
- Saint Bernard
- French Bulldog
- Pug
(July 23 – August 22)
You are drawn to venture beyond the hedge this month…but not before your morning pup of joe of course! Even when adventure is calling to you, the stars say don’t skip on your usual routines. The more you can stay on track with your schedule, the more easily you will remain calm and relaxed.
Breed Matches
- Labrador Retriever
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Mastiff
(August 23 – September 22)
You won’t have any bones to pick with your humans this month! Sweetness finds you in many ways during this time. You will venture into all kinds of beautiful moments. Plan for exciting walks with all the smells, sounds, and sights that activate your senses. You might even sniff out something interesting, so prepare for a cool find!
Breed Matches
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Yorkshire terrier
- Maltese
(September 23 – October 22)
You will have extra energy to get out this month, so prepare to stay committed to your fitness routine, daily walks, and of course, playtime with your favorite toys! Time to work out those paws and work up a pant! Your humans might even throw in some extra walks to help with any restlessness. And if you can’t get outside, some indoor exercise will be just the thing to work it out!
Breed Matches
- Australian Shepard
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Jack Russell Terrier
(October 23 – November 21)
Your instincts will kick in and guide the way forward for you this month. If you start to feel activated, take a breather or a restful snack to keep you feeling calm and centered in yourself. Life is dynamic and you are attuned to all the subtle shifts in energy! The stars say your keen awareness is a special gift.
Breed Matches
- Alaskan Malamute
- Akita
- Dachshund
(November 22 – December 20)
Vivid dreams of running in the wilds of nature are likely to come up for you this month. Expect life to be good, puppy chow, long naps, dreamy afternoons watching squirrels from the window. The stars say your experiences right now will be sweetly fulfilling; pupstacially peppered with love, care, and generosity from your humans.
Breed Matches
- Doberman pinscher
- Golden Retriever
- Collie
(December 21 – January 19)
You will respond well to sweetness and gentleness. Your sensitive nature is especially prominent right now, pouring out through your puppy dog eyes. You’re likely shifting into a dreamy more visionary state of being this month, getting lost in contemplations about the meaning of life. Embrace the wanderlust and stretch your mind as far as your imagination will take you.
Breed Matches
- English Cocker Spaniel
- German Shepherd
- Rottweiler
(January 20 – February 18)
You wish your humans could walk a day in your paws… If only to know what it’s like to be a dog. Your heightened senses, deep contemplations, emotions, cravings, and more—a lot is going on in a dog’s life! This month, the stars say that even if your humans can’t fully understand what it’s like to be you, they still approach you with sweet empathy and understanding. They know that life can be tough! …So they are likely to get you some very relaxing snacks to help you out.
Breed Matches
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Newfoundland
- Papillon
(February 19 – March 20)
This month will be dynamic for you. You can find that your cravings for snacks are overwhelming and even the smallest whiff of a delicious morsel will grab your attention. Give a bark bark to get the attention of your humans. Maybe they’ll share a bite with you if you play your cards just right… Or better yet, wag your tail and play up your sweetness with that deep look in your eyes.
Breed Matches
- Beagle
- Boston Terrier
- Bulldog