How to Cancel a Subscription
Ready to cancel your subscription? We hate to see you go! Before you cancel, we'd love to let you know your options. You can pause your subscription or adjust your frequency directly in your account (1-, 2-, or 3-month). This makes it easier in the future if you decide to resume so you don't have to re-enter your information or payment details.
If you still want to cancel, here's how to do it:
1. Click "My Account" in the upper right-hand corner and log into your account
2. Click "Subscriptions" on the left-hand side of your screen
3. You'll now be able to manage your next order. Here, you can skip an order or add a product. If you want to cancel, click on the "Subscriptions" tab circled:
4. Once on the Subscriptions tab, click "Manage Subscription"
5. Here, you can edit your address, edit your frequency, set your next order date, edit payment, or pause. Scroll to the right to see the "Cancel" button
6. If you're ready to cancel, click the "Cancel' button
7. Help us improve our service! Let us know why you're cancelling then click "Confirm Changes"
Thanks or being a Pet Releaf subscriber! We hope to have you back as a subscriber in the future.