Tips For Helping Your Dog With Joint Pain and Mobility

Achy and painful joints can cut down on human mobility and quality of life. At least humans understand what is happening. Dogs cannot. As a loving dog owner, you care about your pet’s health. Give your canine extra help when they need it most.

Find out how you can help manage your dog’s joint pain and restore lost mobility.

How to Tell When Your Dog is in Pain

The chances of joint-related issues increase as dogs get older. It may be worse in specific breeds. Joint discomfort also occurs due to joint wear, tear, and over straining. Injuries that occur early in a dog’s life can manifest themselves later as the dog ages.

Most dogs can develop joint pain, but some are more susceptible. These are athletic dogs, obese dogs, diabetic dogs, working breeds, and those with past injuries or trauma. Large breeds carry a lot of weight around their joints and are predisposed to developing problems. Dogs are excellent at hiding their pain, so symptoms will probably come up when it is unbearable.

Common symptoms of joint pain in dogs are:

  • Difficulty lying down, standing, or sitting
  • Trouble climbing up the stairs
  • Less interest in usual activities or decreased activity
  • Joint stiffness or swelling
  • Reluctance to run or jump
  • Limping or holding one limb off the ground
  • Increased panting

Tips for Helping Your Dog

1. Exercise

Exercise plays a critical role in all of your dog’s bodily functions, physical fitness, and happiness. But all these joints and muscles inevitably decline when a dog reaches a certain age. As a pet parent, you must understand the importance of adopting preventative habits to combat joint decline. Also recognize when your pet is experiencing joint stiffness, so you respond accordingly.

Some pet exercises that are beneficial include:

  • Hydrotherapy or swimming – Activities in the water lighten the impact on your dog’s joints. If you don’t have a pool, consider a canine hydrotherapy
  • Walks – A major component to promoting joint health later in life is altering your walks to your pet’s specific requirements. For instance, break down the one 40-minute walk into two 20-minute walks or drive to the park if there are inclines that may be too much for a dog in pain.
  • Doggy playtime – Sometimes, the best form of exercise is some unrestricted fun time with other dogs. This allows your pooch to expend some energy in a self-regulated, natural manner.
  • Avoid making jerky movements – Hard play and long leashes during walks can burden your dog’s joints easily. Instead, consider getting a lead and encourage alternative softer play.

2. Inspect Your Home Environment

Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes is all it takes to notice areas your dog is struggling with. This is especially true if both of you have lived within the same four walls for years. Fortunately, making your home more comfortable doesn’t mean breaking the bank.

Below are a few life hacks that transform your living space into a comfortable environment for your dog:

  • The bedding – Get your pet a low-to-the-ground soft bedding option using a dog memory foam
  • The flooring – Consider placing traction strips or rugs along routes your dog takes through your house if you have hardwood or similar slippery flooring
  • Install ramps or steps – Ramps make it easy for the dog to get in and out of your car and steps next to your bed (if you sleep together) can be a major help

3. Diet

Diet can be a preventative measure as well as a treatment for your dog’s health. If your dog is overweight, making the life-changing decision to alter their diet to include alternative low-calorie vegetable snacks is for their greater good. Dogs with reduced mobility often find it difficult when they have to lug around extra pounds. It is difficult to spot an overweight dog in some breeds, so talk to a vet for a sure diagnosis. CBD for dogs can act as a digestive aid that also helps increase their appetite and give them the energy boost they need to get out of bed.

CBD is incredibly versatile and easy to use. For example, easy-to-chew natural dog hemp-infused Hip and Joint Edibites can help support mobility and joint discomfort. If you are looking for a specific supplement to help support a healthy digestive tract, then try our Digestive Health Edibites for your dog. The effects of CBD are still being investigated and discovered each day. This means CBD might have more benefits than already known. It may be the key to combating common dog issues. Consult your veterinarian to see if Hemp Oil Capsules and supplements are the right steps for your furry friend.

The Bottom Line

These few tips may help you prevent and control damage to your pet’s joints. Many dogs experience joint pain in their lifetime, especially when there are underlying factors that predispose them to this condition. Dogs with joint discomfort exhibit various symptoms, such as accidents in the house. Studies have shown that CBD is a viable option for symptom management.

Not sure what Pet Releaf product is right for your pet? Use our CBD Product Finder to find a recommendation based on your dog’s unique requirements!