The Inspiring Rescue Story of a Pitbull Mix with Hot Water Burns

Rescue Tales is a content series that celebrates the inspiring rescue stories of pets within the Pet Releaf community. Each story reveals their journey to finding a forever home, highlighting the impact of second chances, fresh starts, and the care they receive to help them live their best lives.
About My Rescue:
- Pet name: Netub (it means “my friend”)
- Breed: Pitbull mix
- Age: Almost 8 years old
What is your rescue pet's background or story? Do you know anything about their life before they came into your care?
Netub was found with hot water burns on his back.
How did you find your rescue pet? Did you adopt your pet from a shelter, rescue organization, or through a different avenue?
We rescued him from Lafayette Animal Shelter in Louisiana in 2016.
Did you face any challenges during the adoption process or after bringing your pet home? Has your rescue pet's past experiences influenced their behavior or interactions with you?
Netub struggles with severe stress.
Did your pet have any special needs or requirements when you first brought them home?
We had to treat his burns for the first few weeks of having him.
Does your pet have any ongoing health issues now?
The truth is, we don’t just have 1 rescue dog, we have 9! Their names are Netub, Baxter, Cooper, Baylor, Moose, Roscoe, Buck, Verk, and Kona! All of our dogs are from shelters or were abandoned to survive on the streets. Netub and others deal with ongoing stress.
What products or supplements do you use to support your rescue pet?
We use Daily Releaf 500 mg CBD oil on Netub and our eight other rescue dogs. One of our dogs is extremely afraid of thunder, another struggles with separation, and another is older and uses Hip & Joint Releaf. The CBD really helps all of them.