Real-Life Releaf: "My Puppy Used To Cry Non-Stop"

“Without this Stress Relief 600mg Hemp Oil, I would not be able to leave my dog alone. This keeps her calm without any side effects and she no longer tears everything up in my house when I leave. It really works.”

Over the years, Pet Releaf has helped more than 4 million pets and their families. Customer Princess Dion shares how CBD has changed her dogs’ lives. Want to share your story? Tell us about your Pet Releaf journey here.

Q: What are your dogs’ names?

A: Sophie & Fiona



Q: What type of dogs are they?

A: Boston Terrier and French Bulldog/Boston Terrier mix

Q: Tell us a little bit more about Sophie and Fiona.

A: Sophie and Fiona are both very outgoing and hilarious to watch.

Q: What is your favorite activity to do with Sophie and Fiona?

A: Playing in the kiddie pool with the hose.

Q: When did you first consider using pet CBD and what made you choose Pet Releaf?

A: I considered using the pet CBD about two years ago when our last Boston had stress issues. I read many good reviews on Google about Pet Releaf and decided to give it a try.

“I just got a new Boston Terrier puppy and at night she has a fear of her kennel and would cry non-stop, so I gave her the Hemp Oil and it calmed her right down and now she sleeps through the night without any issues and so do I. I am so thankful I found Pet Releaf. It definitely works without a doubt.”

Q: What is your favorite Pet Releaf product?

A: Stress Releaf 600mg Hemp Oil

Q: Tell us about how Pet Releaf has impacted your pet’s life and your life.

A: Both Sophie and Fiona get stressed when separated from me, and when I give the CBD to them, within 30 minutes they are very calm and laid back and don’t have any issues when I start to leave.

Q: What would you tell other pet owners if they are considering a CBD product?

A: I say this has to be the best stuff I have ever purchased and tried. It really works which amazed me.

How Can Pet Releaf Help Your Pet?

Millions of pets and pet parents have experienced the Real-Life Releaf that comes from Pet Releaf CBD products. For owners looking for a safe, plant-based option for their pet’s stress, discomfort, mobility, digestion, skin irritation, or daily wellness, we have products that can help.