Is CBD Scientifically Proven?

CBD is everywhere these days. From the vitamin aisle in grocery and health food stores to spa products like bath oils, bath bombs, and bath salts, to pet stores advertising many kinds of CBD products for people’s furry friends, it is impossible to have missed the explosion of CBD in today’s marketplace. This rapid increase of CBD products in the marketplace was accelerated by the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. The hemp plant, which is a close cousin of the marijuana plant, has been classified as illegal since the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. The 2018 Farm Bill allows for hemp to be grown as a commercial crop, and for hemp products to be moved across state lines. Despite hemp still being a highly regulated crop, the 2018 Farm Bill has made the recent expansion of the CBD market possible.
CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid or compound found in hemp and marijuana. According to Harvard, CBD is the second-highest substance found in the cannabis plant, marijuana. However, while CBD is found in marijuana, it is found in much higher concentrations in the hemp plant, a close cousin to the marijuana plant. CBD products for sale today derive their CBD from hemp and unlike the more commonly known component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is found in higher concentrations in marijuana, there are only trace amounts of THC (about .3%) in CBD derived from hemp, so CBD will not get you or your animal “high”.
How does pet CBD work?
In both humans and our animal friends like cats, dogs, horses, and gerbils, CBD or cannabidiol, works on the central nervous system. This is how CBD may help our pets maintain joint health and calm their nerves as they respond to environmental stressors, like the person delivering your mail, or a thunderstorm. Our bodies, human and animal alike, have what is called an endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is, according to a “complex nerve cell signaling system that modulates the central nervous system’s function and helps maintain homeostasis.” Homeostasis is controlled by the central nervous system and is the healthy balance bodies are always trying to achieve and maintain.
Dogs and cats both have many ways of achieving homeostasis. Dogs pant when they are too warm (or stressed), and a cat’s fur coat insulates them from both hot and cold temperatures. Both human and animal bodies need to find homeostasis. What this means, in short, is that there are chemical compounds called endocannabinoids that are produced by your body, and your dog’s body, that carry signals from one nerve cell to another. These endocannabinoid chemical compounds are received by special places on a nerve cell called endocannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoids are texts or phone calls and the endocannabinoid receptors are the cell phone receiving the message. In short, the endocannabinoid system helps the central nervous system to function properly and maintain homeostasis. The central nervous system impacts the entire body, including emotional and mental states and anything having to do with nerves, such as muscle function and pain. This is how CBD, or cannabidiol, impacts a human or animal body, it works with the endocannabinoid system as a signal that is received by the endocannabinoid receptors.
Does CBD oil help restless dogs?
For dogs and other pets, like cats, whether it is the person delivering mail, a friendly guest, a new animal in the home, separation stress when you leave, a thunderstorm, or the dreaded fireworks, dogs express their fear in a variety of ways. They can bark and bark and bark, or hide in the corner of your closet, curled up whimpering, and shaking. When your dog (or any kind of pet from cats to horses to gerbils) is afraid and acting out, it can be just as distressing to you as it is to them. Separation stress where your dog barks all day while you’re at work or away can negatively impact your relationship with your neighbors, to say nothing of the discomfort your pup is experiencing. Instead of celebrating with friends and family on the fourth of July, you may wind up staying home and comforting your terrified pet or pets. The loud crashes of thunder during a storm happening at night can keep both of you from getting the sleep you need to be at your best the next day. Many pet owners are turning to CBD to help calm their pets, from small dogs to large dogs. CBD products such as Pet Releaf’s CBD Calming line may promote a calming effect on your pet’s nerves.
Does CBD calm high-energy dogs?
High-energy dogs can be stressed dogs, and when dogs are high-energy and stressed, their owners are likely stressed too. High-energy dogs can be hair-trigger barkers letting you know about every single living creature that passes by your home, or perhaps even non-living entities like ghosts, because why else would a high-energy dog be barking at what looks like nothing? While high energy in pets is usually associated with smaller dogs, that is not always the case. Cats get the crazies too, and some large dogs can be high-energy, with their size adding complications. Have you ever been jumped on by a large excited dog? It is not fun and can be uncomfortable to injurious, depending on where their large paws land if they are jumping on you or an unfortunate guest.
High-energy dogs may have a hard time relaxing and going to sleep which can impact a pet owner’s own ability to relax and find rest at night. Also, stress is as dangerous to a pet’s health as it is to a human’s health. And high-energy can impact the ability to both leave home and perhaps even the quality of time spent at home, especially with even the most pet-friendly of guests. There are many ways to help your stressed pet. Because of how CBD impacts the central nervous system, CBD may reduce high energy and promote relaxation. CBD may be a good choice for calming high-energy dogs in addition to other behavior management strategies like giving them lots of exercise and staying calm yourself.
What is the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil for dogs?
CBD’s are mass-marketed in a variety of products almost everywhere you look, be it at the gas station, grocery store, or online ads targeting you after searching for help with your high-energy small dog. Between all of the advertising for CBD and the popularity of hemp seed oil as a nutritional supplement, many people confuse the two and even use the terms “hemp seed oil” and “CBD oil” interchangeably.
Nothing could be further from the truth. According to Medical News Today, CBD is made from the whole hemp plant; stalks, leaves, and flowers and contains high amounts of well, CBD. Hemp seed oil is a food and is made from the seeds of the hemp plant, which are high in beneficially fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Hemp seed oil also does not contain any CBD. Both products can be good for pets, including larger animals like horses, but they do quite different things.
Pet Releaf CBD Products for Pets
Our pets are our family and often some of our closest friends. This is why they deserve the best CBD products we can find for them. Pet Releaf’s CBD products are made with as much care as you have for your pet. Made with USDA-certified organic hemp sustainably grown in Colorado, every product is tested for quality and potency to ensure nothing harmful is going in your pet’s body. Pet Releaf offers many all-natural products, including Daily Releaf 500, and CBD Hemp Oil capsules for dogs and pets. These oils may help reduce the effects of normally induced environmental stress. Pet Releaf’s incredibly popular peanut butter and carob flavored Calming Edibites have CBD and herbs like chamomile, which may also help promote relaxation. CBD may help your pet live a happier and healthier life by supporting occasional discomfort, calming their nerves, helping them manage everyday stressors, and supporting overall optimal health. Pet Releaf strives to keep healthy pets healthy and with all of the wonderful health benefits of CBD, it’s an ideal supplement to add to their daily health regimen.
Clinical Studies
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