How the Seasons Changing Affects Our Pets

When the seasons shift, it’s like nature hits the refresh button. Trees trade their leaves for new ones, the sun decides whether to hang around a bit longer or dip out early, and the air—it just feels different, right? While we’re busy swapping our warm sweaters for sandals and fine-tuning our Spotify playlists to match the right vibe (from upbeat summer hits to cozy winter holiday tunes), there’s a big part of our lives that also needs a seasonal switch-up: our pets’ routines.

As much as we’re affected by the changing temps and scenery, our furry friends feel it too. Our pets, in their own unique ways, have to navigate these changes, and they need our help in tweaking their routines to keep them as comfortable and healthy as possible. Whether it’s adjusting their exercise schedules, changing up their diet, or making sure their sleeping arrangements are season-appropriate, it’s all about making sure they’re set to enjoy each season to the fullest, right alongside us.

Spring: Managing Itchy Pets & Combating Allergies

With warmer temps and longer days, spring brings new beginnings and, unfortunately, new allergies. The prevalence of pollen, along with the unwelcome return of fleas and ticks, requires a proactive approach to pet care.

How the Seasons Changing Affects Our Pets


Keep an eye out for signs of allergies in your pets, such as excessive scratching, sneezing, or licking. Regular baths and grooming can help remove allergens from their fur. Incorporate grooming products into your pet’s routine that can also support skin health and reduce itchiness and discomfort.


Fleas and ticks are not only a nuisance but can also transmit diseases. Make sure you’re taking preventive measures. Regular checks during grooming can help catch these pests early.

Summer: Beating the Heat & Ensuring Pet Safety

Summer is a time for outdoor adventures and activities, and warm weather, while enjoyable under the right circumstances, can be tough on our pets.

How the Seasons Changing Affects Our Pets


Make sure your pet has constant access to clean water. On warmer days, when the heat can make your pet more prone to dehydration, try enhancing their hydration experience to encourage more frequent water intake. One effective method is to add ice cubes to their water bowl. This not only cools the water, making it more refreshing for your pet, but the ice cubes can also catch your pet’s interest, making them drink more.

Exercise & Overheating

Overheating is a common yet dangerous condition in warmer weather. Avoid the midday heat for walks and outdoor play. Schedule walks and outdoor playtime during the cooler parts of the day, like during the early morning or later in the evening. Watch for signs of overheating, such as excessive panting, lethargy, drooling, and collapsing. Recognizing these signs early can be critical in preventing heat-related illnesses, allowing you to take immediate action to cool them down and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

Paw Safety

The summer sun can heat surfaces like asphalt, concrete, and even sand to temperatures that can burn your pet’s paws. Test the pavement with the back of your hand; if it’s too hot to hold your hand there for at least 7 seconds, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws. Consider walking your pet on grass or shaded areas instead, and if pavement crossing is unavoidable, protective booties can provide a barrier against the heat. Always inspect your pet’s paws for signs of burning or injury after walks, including redness, limping, or licking and chewing at the paws.

Fall: Supporting Pet Joint Health & Dietary Adjustments

As the leaves change, so do our routines. Cooler weather can bring relief from the summer heat, but also its own set of considerations. Autumn signals it’s time to focus on our pets’ joint health and reconsider their diet plans, as the cooler air can significantly impact them.

How the Seasons Changing Affects Our Pets

Joint Health

The dip in temperature during the fall can aggravate joint issues, particularly in older pets. Just as some people feel the effect of cooler weather in their bones, pets might experience increased discomfort. Keep them warm and consider supplements to support joint health and mobility. Ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have beneficial effects on joint health.

Seasonal Diet

The cooler weather might encourage more outdoor activity, or for some pets, it might mean curling up indoors. This change in exercise and energy expenditure can affect their dietary needs. A more active pet may require additional calories to support their energy levels, while a pet that prefers to stay indoors might need fewer calories to prevent unwanted weight gain. Monitoring your pet’s weight is key during this transition period. Consult with your vet to determine if any adjustments are necessary to keep your pet healthy.

Winter: Cold Weather Care & Indoor Activities for Pets

Chilly winter temperatures call for pet parents to focus on keeping their pets warm and comfortable. With reduced outdoor time, finding engaging indoor activities to keep them stimulated and active is key to fighting off the winter blues.

How the Seasons Changing Affects Our Pets

Keeping Pets Warm

Not all pets are equipped to handle the cold. For those that aren’t, it’s important to give them extra layers of warmth. Consider sweaters or coats for short-haired breeds for an extra layer of insulation, helping them maintain their body heat during those brisk winter walks. Keep walks brief during extreme temperatures to prevent risks of hypothermia and frostbite.

Indoor Enrichment

With more time spent indoors, finding ways to keep your pet mentally stimulated is important. A lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to unwanted behaviors and weight gain. Interactive toys, puzzles, and regular playtime can help keep them entertained while also encouraging them to think and solve problems. Regular playtime, whether it involves fetch, tug-of-war, or training exercises, is a method to enrich your pet’s indoor life.

Year-Round Pet Care Tips

Regular Vet Check-ups: Seasonal changes can affect your pet’s health in various ways. Regular check-ups can help identify and address any issues early. Routine visits allow your vet to monitor your pet’s health closely and provide an opportunity to tweak their care plan in response to seasonal changes.

Supplement Routine & Balanced Diet: Consistency is key when it comes to your pet’s nutrition and supplement intake. A well-rounded, nutritious diet, and a specialized supplement routine play a huge role in supporting your pet’s health through every season. Supplements can address specific nutritional gaps or physical and mental health concerns such as stress or digestive issues.

Daily Exercise & Hydration: Regular physical activity and constant access to fresh water are essential to keep your pet healthy and happy throughout the year. Regular exercise helps manage weight, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and contributes to a happy and balanced mental state. Proper hydration is just as vital in the cooler months as it is during the hot summer days. Hydration supports overall health, aids digestion, and helps regulate body temperature.

Adjusting your pet care routine to align with the seasonal changes doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. With thoughtful preparation and a few minor routine adjustments, you can make sure your pet enjoys each season to the fullest, maintaining their health and happiness year-round.