Does CBD Make Your Cat Sleepy?

We know CBD can be used for humans as a sleep aid – what about cats? Today, we’ll dig into whether or not CBD can make your cat tired.

Dealing with a lack of sleep can be incredibly tricky. It’s as true for cats as it is for humans.

Is your cat an insomniac? Are they having trouble getting those beautifying cat naps? You may have wondered whether CBD is the answer.

Many agree that CBD is the way to go. A study in 2019 found that

It’s well known now that CBD can work effectively at making you sleepy. We’re talking about people, though. Is it okay to give cats CBD?

Today, we’ll go through CBD’s overall benefits, so you can use this information to make the best decision for you and your fur baby.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in hemp, a close cousin to cannabis. Although the most well-known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is found in much higher percentages in hemp at around 5-25%, compared to 0.3% THC. However, this depends on the strain.

CBD is distinct from THC in that it is not psychoactive. Your cat won’t actually become “high.” Instead, there are many potential health benefits to reap.

There’s a lot to learn about CBD. First identified in 1940, CBD can help you and your cat in many ways.

CBD Could Benefit Your Cat

There are many ways CBD can be beneficial – not just for people, but for pets as well. Its effect on our furry friends is similar to its effect on us.

Although there is still much research to be done on CBD, the results so far have been promising. In one study, cannabidiol was found to improve pain and increase mobility in over 80% of the participating dogs.

Not only can dogs greatly benefit, but cats as well. The opportunity for greater health has a broad reach. Many who use CBD for their cats administer it for:

  • Overall wellness
  • Joint discomfort
  • Situational anxiety
  • Digestive issues
  • Irritability

Will CBD Make Your Cat Tired?

Yes, CBD can make your cat quite sleepy.

Although CBD first became popular due to its ability to reduce seizures in epileptic patients, there’s more to it. Today, it is frequently used to support sleeplessness.

But how does CBD work for sleep?

The answer is that we’re not quite sure. There are many more studies to conduct. Here, however, are the top-two likely suspects:


The serotonin in your brain produces melatonin, a hormone responsible for your sleep-wake cycle. Due to this, changes to your serotonin levels can impact your sleep. It’s also true for your cat.

It’s possible that CBD triggers a sleep response because of its documented effects on 5-HT1a serotonin receptors, found both in humans and cats. When CBD binds to serotonin receptors, it can block anxiety-and depression-causing molecules.

The same applies to your cat taking CBD. Both humans and our furry buddies tend to become sleepy, as CBD provides a calming and relaxing sensation.

Brain Pathways

It’s all in your cat’s head – or at least, in their brain pathways. Another possible reason CBD makes cats sleepy is its evidenced ability to modulate adenosine pathways in the brain. What exactly do those pathways do?

According to board-certified cannabis clinician Dr. Patricia Frye, who spoke to Weedmaps,

“Adenosine is the substance that accumulates during the day and deactivates the sensory neurons in the area of the brain that keeps us awake.”

Essentially, adenosine makes you tired.

Where to Find CBD for Cats

The pet CBD market is humongous, valued at 27.7 million in 2019, and is only continuing to grow. With so many options out there, it can be hard to decide on a specific product.

There are many out there, including treats, chews, and CBD oil for cats. Fear not. It’s easy enough to find quality pet CBD products. We’ve talked about how to find the best pet CBD oil out there before.

At Pet Releaf, we also have some great CBD products for your cat.

Our Top Pet Releaf CBD Oils for Cats

We know you want to take good care of your cat – it’s important. A big part of that means only using healthy products for your pet. That’s why we don’t put any solvents in our oils, and why we closely monitor the manufacturing process from seed to sale to ensure an all-natural product. Here are our top two picks:

Hemp Oil 100

Hemp Oil 100 is an excellent all-around CBD oil for cats. Our standard hemp oils are Certified USDA Organic and only includes two ingredients. These ingredients includes our organic full spectrum hemp extract mixed with organic coconut oil. Our Hemp Oil 100 is best administered on an empty stomach for max absorption.

Liposome Hemp Oil 100

What’s the difference between Liposome Hemp Oil 100 and Hemp Oil 100? One difference is that our Liposome Hemp Oil 100 for Dogs & Cats contains a sustainably sourced Wild Alaskan Red Pollock Oil mixed in with our full spectrum hemp extract. The Pollock Oil provides your pet with essential Omega 3 fatty acids and can satisfy your cat’s tastebuds. Another difference is that our Liposome Hemp Oils can be administered during or after mealtime without losing any effectiveness!


With its many touted uses, it can be easy to wonder if CBD is really all that beneficial. Will CBD really work to help your cat sleep?

Yes, CBD definitely has the potential to help your cat have a peaceful sleep. Not to mention that by using CBD for your cat, you’re selecting a fantastic natural option.