The Benefits of CBD for Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their iconic droopy ears and soulful eyes, are known for their friendly disposition. As responsible pet owners, ensuring our devoted Bassets thrive is a top priority. In recent years, the use of CBD (cannabidiol) has gained popularity in the pet care world, offering many benefits for various breeds, including Basset Hounds. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can use CBD to enhance the health and happiness of your Basset Hound.

Understanding CBD for Basset Hounds:

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant, known for its potential therapeutic properties. Basset Hounds, like many other breeds, may experience various health issues, including joint discomfort, stress, and skin sensitivities. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, promoting balance and supporting overall well-being.

Joint Health

Basset Hounds, with their low-slung bodies and long backs, are prone to joint issues. CBD has properties that may help with discomfort associated with inflammation and other conditions. Incorporating Hip & Joint Releaf into your Basset Hound’s routine may contribute to improved joint mobility and overall comfort.


Basset Hounds are known for their easygoing nature, but they can still experience stress, especially in unfamiliar situations. Whether it’s separation stress or fear of loud noises, Stress Releaf is a great tool in helping to manage stress. It interacts with receptors in the brain that regulate mood and stress responses, promoting calming.

Skin and Coat Health

With their loose, wrinkled skin and dense coats, Basset Hounds may be prone to skin irritations. CBD’s moisturizing properties can contribute to healthier skin, aid in a healthy inflammatory response, and promote a shinier coat. Products like Pet Releaf’s Skin & Paw Releaf CBD topical and Skin & Coat Releaf grooming line are perfect for pups needing clean ingredients, calming, and gentle products.

basset hounds

Choosing the Right CBD Products:

When considering CBD for your Basset Hound, it’s crucial to choose high-quality, pet-safe products. Look for CBD extracts derived from organic hemp, free from harmful additives or THC. CBD products for pets come in various forms, including oils, chews, capsules, and topicals. The right product depends on your Basset Hound’s specific needs and preferences.

Picking the Right Usage:

Determining the appropriate CBD usage for your Basset Hound requires consideration of factors such as weight, age, and the specific health issue you’re addressing.

CBD for Basset Hounds presents an exciting avenue for promoting their health and well-being. Whether addressing joint discomfort and skin sensitivities or other issues, CBD offers a natural approach to support your Basset Hound’s overall quality of life.