How Much CBD Should Large Cats Get?

Large cats are special creatures. They run the gamut from regal, like a Persian to relaxed like a ragdoll cat, or playful and friendly like an American bobtail. Large cats can be active and playful and are known to be keen fetch players. They look like miniature versions of nature’s wild cats, although they tend to be lovable and adore snuggles. Large cats can weigh up to 20 pounds or more! The Maine Coon is one of the most famous large cats in America, and males can weigh up to 18 lbs. The ragdoll cat, named for how it will go limp when held, is a little larger and males will weigh in at 20 or more pounds. Females from large cat breeds will tend to be larger than an average housecat, but still smaller than the males of their species. You love your large cat and may be considering giving them some pet CBD. Perhaps you take CBD and like how it makes you feel, or maybe you have another animal on CBD and think it’s time to try it on your cat. Or possibly a friend mentioned how much CBD has been helping their cat and this is your first time trying pet CBD. However you’ve come to your decision, you’re likely excited to try CBD on your cat. But how do you figure out the correct quantity for your large cat?

What is the Correct Amount of CBD Oil for Large Cats?

When it comes to CBD for big cats, the general guideline is 1-2 mg of CBD per 10lbs of body weight. However, this is just a starting off point. All pets will have their own correct amount of CBD. But 1-2 mg per 10lbs of weight is a good place to start. So, for example, let’s say your large cat weighs 15 lbs. Your cat’s quantity of CBD is 1.5-3mg of CBD. If your cat is say, 16, or 17 pounds, you can round up or down to make the math easier. Now, this quantity will look different depending on what CBD product you choose. To give you an example of this, here are all of Pet Releaf’s CBD recommended amounts for CBD oil made for large cats.

Pet Releaf’s Hemp Oil 100: for 12-15lbs, give 1 dropper a day.

Pet Releaf’s Hemp Oil 100: for 15lbs-25lbs, give 1.5 droppers a day.

Pet Releaf’s Liposome Hemp Oil 100: for 12-15lbs, give 0.25 dropper a day.

Pet Releaf’s Liposome Hemp Oil 100: for 15lbs-25lbs, give 0.5 dropper a day.

It’s also important to note that the stakes when it comes to amounts of CBD are low. Yes, you want to find the right amount for your cat, because that’s what’s best for their health. And you don’t want to waste your high-quality kitty CBD oil. But, if you accidentally give your cat a little too much, or if they get into their bottle of CBD oil, the worst that will happen is that they’ll take a long nap. This also leads to a good second point: feel free to use more CBD if you don’t see the results in your cat that you’re looking for. We’ll go into how to do this in a later section.

How to Compute CBD Quantities for Large Cats

While the calculation to determine the correct amount of CBD for big cats is relatively simple, things get a little more complicated in practice. The concentration of CBD oil will vary from not only brand to brand, but from product to product. If you have a large cat, then a CBD product made for small dogs and cats is appropriate, as is one made for medium dogs, given your cat’s size. The amount of CBD in a bottle of CBD oil is different from the size of the bottle. For example, two one-ounce bottles of CBD oil could contain two different amounts of CBD. This means there is no standard amount, like 1 teaspoon of CBD oil, for large cats—the correct quantity requires a calculation based on your cat’s CBD amount (in milligrams) and the concentration of the CBD oil you are using.

Let’s do the math. Let’s say you have an 18lb Maine Coon cat. Let’s round up to 20lbs for simplicity’s sake. At 1-2mg of CBD per ten pounds of body weight, your cat’s CBD quantity is 2-4 mg of CBD. If your bottle of CBD oil contains 150mg of CBD, what’s next? Now we need to establish how much CBD is in a serving, or full dropper, of your oil. Check to see if the amount of CBD per serving is listed on the bottle or the company website. If not, look for the number of servings per bottle. If you can’t find that information, assume 30, since most CBD oils are designed to last a month. Now we divide the amount of CBD, 150 mg, by 30 servings, which gives us 5 mg of CBD per dropper. Your cat’s amount for this CBD oil is 2/5ths – 4/5ths of a full dropper. If you wanted to err on the slightly higher side, you could say that your cat’s quantity is ½ to 1 full dropper, with one half of a dropper being 2.5 mg of CBD.

Here is a complete usage chart of Pet Releaf’s CBD products for large cats.

Cat weight 12lbs-15lbs 1 dropper a day Pet Releaf Hemp Oil 100
Cat weight 15lbs-25lbs 1.5 droppers a day Pet Releaf Hemp Oil 100
Cat weight 12lbs-15lbs 0.25 dropper a day Pet Releaf Liposome Hemp Oil 100
Cat weight 15lbs-25lbs 0.5 dropper a day Pet Releaf Liposome Hemp Oil 100

Factors that Affect CBD Amounts for Large Cats

We’ve already covered how your cat’s weight will determine her CBD quantity starting point. But several other factors will affect your cat’s CBD amount. One thing to remember is that each cat is unique physically and will process CBD differently. This means that two cats who weigh the same could need different amounts of CBD. Here are three other factors that will influence the amount of CBD for large cats.

  • The health of your cat

How healthy is your cat? A sicker kitty might need more CBD than a healthy one. Whatever your health goals are for your cat, you can increase their CBD quantity if you don’t see the results you want. Starting in small increments, say 0.5 mg-1 mg, you can even give more CBD an hour after your cat’s first quantity if you’re not seeing the outcome you want. Or simply increase the next time you administer.

  • The brand of CBD you’re using

Different brands use different methods of making CBD, some of which can limit the extraction of bioavailable plant compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes, making the CBD less effective. So, you might need to use more of a lower quality CBD to see the results you want.

  • The type of CBD you’re using

You can choose from CBD oil, CBD capsules, CBD “treats”, and topical creams for your kitty.

  1. A topical is a good choice for a cat with skin issues since you can apply the CBD directly to the affected area. Many creams will also contain other skin-nourishing ingredients like oils, waxes, and beneficial herbs like calendula, which will also help with any skin issues.
  2. Hemp CBD oils are the most common form of CBD and are generally considered the best way to give CBD to your cat, as well as being the most cost-effective. Good CBD oils are made with CBD and a carrier oil, like fish or coconut. CBD oils also make it extremely easy to adjust your cat’s CBD amount up or down, which makes them ideal when you’re figuring out the right amount for your pet.
  3. Capsules that contain CBD oil are also common and can make for a more mess-free delivery. However, cats don’t take pills as easily as a dog, generally speaking. And, the fixed CBD amount of capsules makes it difficult to adjust the amount. However, some cat owners might find capsules easier than straight oil.
  4. By far the most popular option as far as cats are concerned are the CBD “treats”. CBD treats aren’t treats, but supplement chews. They are a great way to give your cat a little extra support during the day.

Pet Releaf CBD for Large Cats

Pet Releaf knows you love your big kitty and treat them like a family member. That’s why you want to choose the best pet CBD for them. Pet Releaf starts with American grown hemp that’s farmed with regenerative practices. Next, Pet Releaf uses state-of-the-art Terpex technology to extract the full cannabinoid profile from their hemp plants using no heat, chemicals, or solvents. It’s an all-natural process and leaves you with the best pet CBD that money can buy.