A Breakdown of Monthly Costs for a Healthy Senior Australian Cattle Dog Living in Colorado

Budget Breakdown is a content series where we ask real pet parents to showcase how much they spend on their pets every month. Inspired by Refinery29’s Money Diaries. 

About My Pets: 

Pet name: Maya  
Age: 10 years old 
Weight: 46 lbs 
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog 
Health concerns: None 

Budget Breakdown:  



Monthly Amount 


Farmina Pumpkin  

Fresh, raw meat, eggs, and veggies  



Pet Releaf Stress Releaf 300  

$38.24 * 

Vet Prescription 



Additional Supplementation 

Primal Raw Goat Milk  


Pet Sitting 




Mobile grooming 









*Expenses are subscription payments 


What financial planning did you consider prior to getting your pet(s)?   

Before bringing Maya into my life, I, of course, took some time to reflect on all of the responsibilities that come with owning a pet. However, growing up surrounded by dogs, I was already well aware of the various costs associated with keeping a dog happy and healthy. I'd say that being around pets throughout my childhood gave me a solid understanding of what to expect financially. 

Do you believe where you live influences your monthly pet costs? 

Absolutely, where you live can really impact your monthly pet costs. In our case, having family nearby has been a major advantage. It allows us to save on boarding and daycare expenses since they can look after Maya when we're away. Not only does this save us money, but it also provides Maya with a comfortable and familiar environment, which we trust. 

Colorado is known for its pet-friendly culture, which I think influences our costs in positive ways. The state has a ton of pet-friendly services, from mobile grooming options to specialized pet stores, which offer competitive pricing, promotions, and discounts that help offset our spending. 

How did you decide what was the right food option for your pet(s)? 

I have managed pet retail stores in the past, so I have extensive experience with pet nutrition, which has educated me on the nutritional needs of different breeds and life stages. I had the opportunity to research various brands and their ingredients, speak with nutrition experts, and see firsthand how different foods affected pets' health. After doing my own research and witnessing others' experiences, I felt confident designing Maya's feeding routine with only the highest-quality foods and best supplements for her long-term health. I think her diet and supplementation are why she currently does not have any health issues. 

How much food do you go through in a month? 

5-10 pounds of Farmina 

15-25 pounds of fresh, raw meat, eggs, and veggies  

Which products are you subscribed to and what savings do you receive by being subscribed?  

    • Frequency: All purchases made at the same time 
    • Additional Perks: N/A 
    • Frequency: All purchases made at the same time 
    • Additional Perks: N/A 
    • Frequency: Monthly 
    • Additional Perks: Free Shipping