Spring Allergy Prevention For Pets

If you struggle with springtime allergies as soon as the season changes, you know how irritating it can be to deal with the symptoms. Like us, our pets can develop seasonal allergies as well.

Keep reading to learn more about spring allergies in pets, the signs to look for, and how you can both prevent and relieve spring allergy symptoms in your dogs and cats.

How Do Spring Allergies Affect Pets?

In some ways, spring allergies affect pets similarly to how they affect humans. You might notice that your dog or cat has watery eyes, for example. Other signs of spring allergies in pets include:

  • Frequent paw licking
  • Inflamed skin
  • Scratching or chewing the skin
  • Head-shaking, irritated ears, ear infections
  • Rear “scooting” on the carpet
  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Shedding

How To Prevent Spring Allergies

If your pet is prone to seasonal allergies, there are a few things you can do throughout the springtime to prevent allergy attacks in dogs and cats.

  • Keep your home as clean as possible to reduce the likelihood of allergens finding their way into your pet’s living space. Vacuum regularly, and clean rugs and curtains so that they’re free from dust particles.
  • If you take your pet for walks, try to adjust your walking schedule so that you’re not outside early in the morning or late in the evening (when pollen counts are at their highest). Avoid walking through fields or areas with allergy-inducing plants nearby.
  • After going for a walk, especially if the day has been a breezy one, you might also want to wipe your pet’s coat and paws down with a damp cloth to remove as many surface-level allergens as you can.
  • For pets that experience moderate to severe spring allergies, a trip to your vet’s office might be helpful. A medical professional will usually be able to prescribe medications or supplements you can give to your pet to keep his or her symptoms in check.

Spring Allergy Relief

If you’re already dealing with an itchy dog or cat, you can take a couple of steps at home to grant your animal friend some allergy relief.

Regular bathing can help relieve dry, flaky skin issues, especially if you’re using a high-quality dog shampoo and conditioner. Be sure to rinse your pet’s fur as thoroughly as possible to remove allergens and shampoo bubbles. You’ll also want to at least towel dry your pet so that he or she doesn’t develop skin irritation during air drying.

To help heal a cat or dog’s rashes, apply a soothing skin ointment to the affected area. Our Skin & Paw Releaf ointment is effective in moisturizing and helping to heal dog and cat rashes, as well as cracked, itchy paw pads.

The coming of spring is usually a positive time, with the weather warming up and the outdoors beckoning us and our pets out of the house to have fun. Make the most of springtime this year and protect your pets from seasonal allergy attacks.

Remember to examine your cats and dogs regularly to take note of any rashes, scratches, or new allergy symptoms.