For many people, stress is an everyday occurrence. Whether it’s work, family, or personal pressure, many look into solutions for helping their stress – including CBD, magnesium tablets, and more. The beneficial substances in these are called adaptogens, and they are present in more over-the-counter solutions than you might realize. 

As pet owners, we know that stress affects our animals, too. Whether it’s a thunderstorm or extended time alone, dogs and cats experience stress, and can benefit from the same natural solutions that humans can. Let’s take a look at how adaptogens work, as well as how they can be beneficial for both you and your pet. 

What Are Adaptogens? 

In brief, adaptogens are a type of non-toxic, natural herbal medicine that have powerful physical and psychological benefits. Adaptogens have been used in Asia and India for thousands of years. Adaptogens come in various forms in nature, including herbs, roots, mushrooms. They are often added to foods or drinks such as teas or converted into a capsule or tablet form. Some adaptogens can also be consumed directly. Adaptogens are not a cure for any condition; instead, they serve to help protect the body from the toll that stress takes on it. 

While adaptogens are commonly sold for human consumption in the form of teas, foods, and tablets, they are also available for pets and offer them similar benefits. For example, Pet Releaf’s Stress Releaf Hemp Oil includes full spectrum hemp extract and ashwagandha, two adaptogens that are both proven to lessen stress in pets. 

Common Adaptogens 

There are over 70 different types of adaptogens, and a wide range of them can be readily purchased in stores today. Adaptogens vary in application, but most boast similar benefits such as reducing stress, promoting better sleep, and boosting overall wellness. 

  • Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is a type of shrub whose leaf has been shown to combat stress. Ashwagandha is commonly made into oils or tablets for both human and animal consumption. 
  • Ginseng – If you’ve ever enjoyed ginseng tea, you’ve tried an adaptogen. Ginseng doesn’t refer to just one plant but actually 11 different types of a certain plant. Ginseng is known to promote energy, lower blood sugar and decrease stress, and help both people and pets relax. 

How Can Adaptogens Help My Pet? 

Adaptogens are beneficial for both humans and animals. Adaptogens are known to help with stress in both humans and pets, and may also help with some other issues. Adaptogens work by regulating the hypothalamic, adrenal, and pituitary glands which are all involved in the stress response. This, in turn, increases resistance to stressors. 

There is no better time than now to start using adaptogens for your pet. Many cats, dogs, and other pets suffer from situational or long-term stress when their owners leave for work, school, or other social activities, and adaptogens can help with calming. Adaptogens can also help your pet during stressful times such as trips to the veterinarian, thunderstorms, or fireworks during the 4th of July or other holidays. 

How To Use Adaptogens To Help Your Pet 

Once you’ve decided to use adaptogens to increase your pet’s quality of life, you might have some questions about how to use them, and which products are best to purchase. 

How Much Product Should I Use? 

Every product on the market containing adaptogens is different, so there isn’t one answer as to how much of any given adaptogen you should offer your pet. Look at the back of the product package for information about how much product you should use during an application, or ask your veterinarian for advice. 

How Often Should I Use Adaptogens? 

How often you should use adaptogens also varies depending on the product, but most products are meant to be used once or twice a day. Thankfully, most adaptogens are safe to administer even in large quantities, so you don’t need to worry about giving your dog or cat too much. At the same time, though, you should always monitor your pet after offering them a new product to see how they respond and give more or less product accordingly. 

Do I Need To Keep Using Adaptogens? 

It’s generally a good idea to give supplements on a daily basis versus a situational-only basis. Most adaptogens will take effect after you use them just once, but using them more regularly – about once or twice a day on a daily basis – is the most effective way to maintain your pet’s health. There is no time limit to how long you should give your pet adaptogens, and they are safe for long-term use. 

Pet Releaf’s Stress Releaf 

Using adaptogens like ashwagandha and hemp is a great way to keep both you and your pet feeling your best. If you’re looking to treat your furry friend with some adaptogen-based products to increase their quality of life, you want to make sure that you purchase a trusted, effective product from a reliable vendor. Your best bet for helping cats and dogs with most stresses and other problems is Pet Releaf’s Stress Releaf Hemp Oil, which contains two of the most powerful adaptogens available: hemp and ashwagandha.